Service conceptualization, definition, design, and delivery are amongst the core elements that fuel SagiZetta's existence. Services we offer are segmented across four core segments as shown in the table below. While some services fit nicely into one of these four segments, others straddle across multiple segments.

Segment CategoryRelated ToService Example
FoundationUnderstanding PrinciplesMentoring And Coaching
InnovationValue CreationRequirements Analysis
StrategyCommercialization DirectionExit Strategy
MarketingCommercialization ExecutionMarketing Plan

We Offer Following Custom Services

Value Chain Analysis

We analyze value chain along multiple dimensions for your sector, to help you find the best opportunities for growth and/or M&A.

Competitive Analysis

We analyze your competition, both existing and emerging, and present you the findings to help you formulate your competitive strategy.

Competitive Positioning

We analyze your specific and wider competitive landscape, to provide you positioning advice for outmaneuvering your competition.

Value Proposition

We help you identify the most desirable differentiators of your offerings, and assist you in articulating such uniqueness.

Marketing Plan

We create the 4P marketing plan to help you with creating market awareness for your portfolio, to its successful positioning/traction, and everything in between.

Business Plan

We put together a comprehensive business plan for your business whether you are a new startup or an established business that wants to enter a new business.

Opportunity Analysis

From analyzing market trends, your portfolio and business, to lucrative market segments to target, we provide advice on where to focus, why, and how.

Requirements Analysis

We help you with problem definition to align your planned offering with your customers' business issues it is intending to solve.

Business Model Analysis

We help you analyze how to make money, and what is your value add. Such analysis is then used to create pathways to best position your business at deep end of the profit pool.

Ecosystem Design

To help you maximize your value add in the value chain, we can provide ecosystem design (or re-design) analysis and recommendations for growing your business.

Strategic Alliances

We analyze the value chain and the value web for your context and identify the optimal partners (to ally with) whose offerings best complement yours.

Go-To-Market Plans

We advise you on market entry strategies for new or for re-positioned offerings, taking a holistic view of both the marketing and the sales efforts.

Trends And Forecasts

We advise you on trends that are emerging and forecasted to emerge to help you in proactively preparing your business to benefit from such foresight.

Investment Analysis

Investment opportunity could vary from financial, equity, partnership, or to other forms. Analysis is done along different dimensions to help you explore the upside for taking an informed and well reasoned position.

Exit And Acquisition Strategies

Whether you are a startup or a private equity owned venture, we analyze and advice you on the top exit and/or acquisition strategy options available to you, and on the benefits and risks of each.

SWOT Analysis

We analyze your business to identify areas of power and vulnerabilities to help you capitalize on opportunities, and to prepare to fend off competitive assualt.

Portfolio Roadmaps

We lay out sequence of steps to take, in defined order, to get to end state from current state, to achieve success in your mission at hand.

Strategic Training

We guide your staff on strategy formulation, using case study examples from your own company and industry sector.


We help develop and improve your business reputation by developing and fortifying your brand vision, mission, promise, value, position, and personality.

Mentoring And Coaching

Whether it is marketing, strategy, or innovation, we coach your staff on some of the best practices, based on our real-world research on those topics.

Risk Management

We help you with your business risks prioritization, preparation of risk management plan to fend off and alleviate risks, and with contingency plans should uncontrollable conditions arise.