SagiZetta offers strategy and marketing advisory services to businesses. We also conduct research related to technologies and commercialization aspects. Select parts of such deep analytical research, offering fresh insights, are packaged into purchasable publications. Visit our Products page to review current research publications available for purchase.

Our staff is professionally trained in the art of treating ambiguity and uncertainty. Ambiguity and uncertainty related to a single project, entire product/service line, a specific business unit, the whole enterprise, or multiple enterprises (e.g. M&A, ecosystem, etc) is all fair game for us. Visit our Services page to view the menu of custom services we offer.

Whether your innovation engine has stalled or a disruptive competitive force is on the horizon, you can call upon us to help you tackle those situations. Or if you wish to blaze the innovation trail and become a disruptive force yourself, we can assist you with strategy and marketing blueprints for converting innovative ideas into reality.

We assist clients along following three inter-related yet distinct dimensions:

Strategic Direction

We combine our self directed research, real world experience, and client specific analysis to orient your business, program or project trajectory in the right direction.

Time To Market

We help you gain market timing advantage via strategic advice and recommendations built on the foundations of our research, prototyping efforts, and client specific analysis.

Research Reports

We offer paid subscription to our research publications covering business and technical dimensions essential for understanding and benchmarking against best practices.